Monday, March 25, 2013

Welcome Back! Protein synthesis activity (pgs 70-71)

We are going to focus this week on DNA's function.  
In groups of three, get a computer
Go to Adaptive Curriculum
I will give you the log-on number to use (it isn't the computer's # this time)
Once logged on, search for DNA
Go through the lesson titled "DNA to Protein Synthesis"
Answer the following questions in your notebook on pages 70-71

Section 1 (#1) Section 2 (#2-8) Section 3 (#9-10) Section 4 (#11) Section 5 (#12)
  1. Is there an ideal condition at which bacteria can survive?  Explain
  2. Where does protein synthesis begin in a cell?  Explain
  3. What is needed to start protein synthesis?
  4. What is the base pairing rule? What is the difference between DNA and RNA rules?
  5. What does AUG code for?
  6. What is a codon?
  7. What is a stop codon?
  8. What do antibiotics do?
  9. What is the "central dogma" process?
  10. What is the start codon?
  11. Give two examples of proteins that perform vital functions within the cell
  12. How are proteins used in the metabolic processes of the cells within an organism?
Take the assessment at the end and write down your score on page 71 (retake if you don't get 100%)

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